Shalini carries on a business that was first started by her grandfather, Sunderlal Mehta, in the 1960s, initially focusing exclusively on silk. After 15 years, he expanded into linen, cottons, and polyesters. Her grandfather stayed active until he was 99 years old, and Shalini’s mother has been fully involved in India Silk since then, working out of a Florida office. “It’s really fulfilling to carry on the tradition that my grandfather began,” she says.

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Shalini Bitzer brings a world of inspiration to her textile designs for her company, India Silk Exclusive. Working out of a studio in Menlo Park’s Allied Arts Guild in California, Bitzer draws upon global heritage and influences (her father is German, her mother Indian and her husband is Moroccan) to create her coveted fabrics. Rendered in a range of colors, patterns and textures, her designs are sold in a plethora of high-end showrooms in America and Europe.

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Beautifully patterned fabrics made of silk, linen and cotton adorn every inch of wall space of Shalini Bitzer’s shop tucked into a rear corner of the Allied Arts Guild. They are designed by Shalini who says she often gets her ideas from old books or movies.

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